I recommend the work of Christine Kent as she has the only book published on this subject, yet thousands of women each year suffer from this problem! Visit her forum and website at www.savingthewholewoman.com
Christine Kent went in to have some fibroids removed; the doctor told her he could do a bladder neck suspension for her very minor stress incontinence. “Two weeks later I experienced stage three uterine prolapse. My cervix was bulging out between my legs. I was frantic. I called my surgeon.”Oh,” he exclaimed, “Now this is very serious and hysterectomy is your only alternative. I knew I didn’t want a hysterectomy so I struggled with the prolapse, the discomfort, pulling and bulging for almost ten years.” “Finally I got angry.”
This book and DVD tell of herstruggle and how she arrived at a way to relieve bladder, uterine and rectal prolapse by using posture, yoga stretches, and dance. The dance is fun and exciting, done to a Scottish tune. More importantly, it gave hope to thousands of women who had been told they had a “disease” that was only treatable by surgery.
Saving the Whole Woman blew apart the myth that prolapse is a disease and that surgery is necessary. I showed that surgery is not only unnecessary: it is seriously hazardous to your health.
On Christine’s online forum, women were canceling their operations. They were back to” mountain biking, running and working out.” They were lifting the toddlers without fear.
Even those out there who have no current problems with bladder or uterine prolapsed will benefit from Whole Woman™ Firebreathing, a power breathing technique that is amazingly effective at pulling your organs toward where they belong.