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Why would you want to drink green and other veggie/fruit smoothies instead of eating an animal protein or starch-filled breakfast or dinner?
So many good reasons come to mind and almost no objections – considering that too many proteins and refined carbohydrates can create imbalances in the body because they are so acid forming inside the body. And why not make your own juice in a juicer; for years that was considered the ultimate in getting the maximum nutrients from your produce. Now smoothies, especially green smoothies, are so “in” for so many reasons; they are the enlightened drink of the 21 st century.
First, the benefit of smoothies as opposed to juices is that Smoothies contain the whole vegetable or fruit including the fiber, which is necessary to maintain a healthy digestive system.
How Can We Help You Today?
A herbalist and naturopath, Betty Sue uses safe and natural therapies to help a person bring the body into balance. She is dedicated to teaching better ways to eat, drink and ‘live it’ through dietary and lifestyle adjustments that provide good nutrition and proper exercise for the body, mind and spirit.
To know more about Betty Sue click here.
New Updates
- Saturday, October 12 | Fall is a great time for a Cleanse
- Wednesday, September 11 | Interpreting pH Balance
- Wednesday, August 21 | Going from Hormoans to Hormones😊…Naturally
- Monday, June 3 | Top Ten Life Changing Habits
- Sunday, May 26 | Iridology: Bridging Science and Art in Health Assessment
- Sunday, December 10 | CURE GUM ISSUES AND SAVE TEETH
- Monday, July 31 | The Balancing Act: Unveiling the Truth about Sunscreen and Health
- Thursday, May 25 | Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Thursday, May 25 | Fibromyalgia Health Sheet
- Thursday, May 25 | Supporting Cancer Therapies
- Thursday, May 25 | Best Detox Protocols
- Thursday, May 25 | Natural Hormone Balance
- Monday, May 15 | Why See A Naturopath
- Thursday, March 23 | Energy Soup Recipe
- Saturday, September 24 | Seasonal Allergies – Naturally
- Friday, May 13 | Muscle Testing Basics
- Wednesday, May 26 | Ionic Footbath…Is it Worth the Time?
- Tuesday, April 20 | ENERGY IRIDOLOGY
- Wednesday, March 31 | Why Green Smoothies – Join the Revolution (Evolution!)
- Friday, August 28 | How to Take An Iridology Photo
- Thursday, April 23 | Parasite Cleanse for the New Moon – Why?
- Friday, March 6 | Coronavirus and the Flu
- Wednesday, January 1 | 2020 – the year of clarity
- Friday, December 20 | Going from Fear to Love: The Path to Joy
- Sunday, July 7 | Treat Your Low Acid Stomach Naturally
- Friday, January 11 | Thoughts on Vaccines
- Tuesday, December 18 | Saving the Whole Woman Book Review
- Monday, November 26 | Can Your Home Be Making You SICK? How to correct the Unknown Poisons in Your House…
- Sunday, October 14 | EMF Exposure: Are the Electromagnetic Fields in Your Home Making You Sick?
- Thursday, September 6 | “People who live to be 100 have All of their teeth or NONE of their teeth.”
- Monday, August 20 | Water – What in the World Do I Drink?
- Wednesday, May 2 | What to Do for a Summer Cold or the Flu
- Tuesday, April 10 | Testing! Stomach Acid Test, Pulse Test, and Elimination Diet
- Thursday, April 5 | Seminar! Rayid: the Soul, the Iris, and the Family Tree
- Saturday, March 17 | Cleavers – cleanse the Lymphatic system
- Wednesday, March 7 | What Herb Are You?
- Thursday, March 1 | Cholesterol: Truth or Consequence?
- Thursday, February 22 | Do You Understand pH?
- Wednesday, February 14 | 25 HOME TESTS FOR WELLNESS
- Tuesday, February 6 | Your Liver and Gallbladder Might Need Your Help
- Thursday, January 25 | Interested in Natural Health?
- Thursday, January 4 | Low / High Stomach Acid Confusion Explained (GERD)
- Sunday, July 16 | Detox and Cleanse the Liver
- Monday, July 10 | The Starch Solution – Book Review
- Thursday, March 16 | Check Your Gut
- Saturday, March 4 | Energy Soup for Abundant Health
- Monday, February 27 | Who Put the “Fun” in Fungus?
- Tuesday, February 14 | Are you looking for the Academy of Iridology?
- Thursday, September 29 | Essential Oils & Specific Organs & Glands
- Friday, August 26 | Assault on Mother Earth
- Thursday, July 21 | Cell Food: Cancer Preventative?
- Monday, July 4 | Lemon Water Benefits
- Thursday, May 26 | Do Thyroid Tests Tell You the Truth
- Sunday, May 1 | Green Mental Health
- Monday, January 25 | Cancer Support: Regardless of Treatment Plan
- Tuesday, March 19 | Mammograms May Cause Cancer…And False Positives Cause Grief

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