Going from Hormoans to Hormones😊…Naturally

     If you are happy and feel good most of the time, keep going because you must be  doing somethings right.  On the other hand, if you feel bad and/or sad, change something! And what needs to be changed, just might be your hormones…They  are the most important chemical messengers in the body, and women are 5 times more likely to suffer from hormonal imbalance than men.

What are the signs of a hormone problem? 

  1. Fatigue – If you are abnormally fatigued and rest doesn’t make you feel better, it might be related to  hormonal imbalance, so get your hormones checked. Adrenal fatigue and Hypo-Thyroid Type II are more prevalent than doctors tests are showing
  2. Anxiety and hot flashes – It is NOT all in your head – today you will learn the truth of that statement and breathe a sigh of relief.  That voice in your head telling you hot flashes are abnormal is right this time!
  3. Weight gain- Certainly not all weight gain is related to “Metabolic Syndrome” but hormones firing off at inappropriate times can make you hungry! 
  4. Insomnia – Melatonin is a hormone released by the pineal gland in the brain, but just taking a dose of melatonin before bed won’t really solve your hormonal problems.  Balancing hormones is like a game of chess…you move one piece, and suddenly the other piece is out of sync.
  5. IBS -Estrogen and progesterone affect IBS symptoms from how much pain you feel to how your intestines work.  This can explain why surging hormones can cause constipation!
  6. Hair and skin changes; vaginal and eye dryness. Combat dryness with muscilageous herbs such as slippery elm, aloe, and flax.
  7. PMS and low sex drive –

Many women are searching fruitlessly for relief.  Some try mechanical relief such as fans, treadmills, ac, My Pillow, etc.  Then there is Hormone Replacement Therapy with blood or saliva test,  pills, skin patch, gel, cream or sprays. Some try bioidenticals with injections, patches, creams, etc. but with many of the same risks as with traditional HRT, ie. These are not natural to the body.

That being said, here are some HRT key points, if you can’t make the necessary emotional and physical lifestyle changes at this time, HRT is best done for the short term and for the right reasons.  Don’t just take testosterone, for example, for libido and imbalance other hormones (men or women).  HRT should not be your long-term solution.

So do some research or find someone to guide you with herbs, homeopathy, diet and lifestyle. Red Clover, Chasteberry, Lobelia, Ashwaghanda, Holy Basil, Red Raspberry are among the best hormone balancing herbs. And don’t forget Black Cohosh for hot flashes!