Muscle Testing Basics

People often ask about muscle testing – how does it work? Is it fake? Isn’t it subjective. The answers are yes and no; any field can have charlatans who take advantage of others…but if you learn to do it yourself, you can develop a belief in God’s energy helping us out!
Muscle testing is also called Applied kinesiology; we are energy – EKG, EEG, Reiki, hands on healing, prayer, etc. It is more of an art than a science. Applied kinesiology is a way of evaluating structural, chemical, and mental areas of health by using manual muscle testing (MMT) along with conventional methods. The idea behind this technique is that every organ dysfunction is associated with weakness in a corresponding muscle. (
Muscle testing can show: Muscle Testing Can’t show:
Organ or glands with weak electrical output Determine the future
Overactive Body Systems Diagnosis of disease
Priorities of what to address first
Infections and deficiencies
How to test others:
The tester needs to be relaxed and clear in order to have an accurate test. Practice some deep, even breaths before the test; try to remove any thoughts of the outcome.
Use any muscle; the most common used is the shoulder muscle and next the fingers when you are testing another.
A. Stand to the side of the person, out of their energy field, and ask the client to make sure the tongue is not on the roof of the mouth.
B. Put one hand on the client’s shoulder and push against the muscle you are testing. The client should “resist” but not push against your push.
C. Find the primary gland or organ by testing the whole body; don’t rely on symptoms to give the cause.

How to Test Yourself: The Sway Test

  1. Test polarity by closing eyes. Say your name aloud and see whether your body leans forward or
    backward. Forward is a yes.
  2. Say “My name is __” (some made up name). See how your body sways forward or back. This
    is your no.
  3. At first you may not sway at all; don’t let this bother you because as you continue to work with
    testing, you will find that the swaying for “yes” or “no” comes naturally.
    *Contact me privately if you want to get a more “in depth” look at muscle testing and I’ll send
    you more complete directions.