This seems to be a question that comes up daily…let’s think of what not to drink for a minute. Tap water is known to have chemicals such as chlorine or , lead, fluoride and aluminum in it. Oh, and then there are the pharmaceuticals that people flush or urinate down the drain that make it into our pipes. So let’s just say upfront that, aside from having chemically created proper pH, tap water is a no.

So you have well water…well maybe. Some well water in our area has a pH of 4-5.5; this does not promote a healthy life. Another issue with some well water is contaminants…how are the pipes from the well, is there a landfill, new or old, nearby?Lately people have been asking me about other water filtering systems, and while Reverse Osmosis water, distilled water, and Zero water are “clean” water, the minerals are stripped out and the pH is generally below 7, well below 7 in some cases. This causes many health issues!
Bottled water – ugh. First there is the pollution of the planet! Second there is plastic residue inside the water – that’s right. They have isolated plastic slime in some bottles of drinking water.
Research led by journalism organisation Orb Media discovered an average of 10 plastic particles per litre, each larger than the width of a human hair.
Sherri Mason, a professor of chemistry at the university, conducted the analysis and told BBC News: “We found [plastic] in bottle after bottle and brand after brand. So it really is about how much plastic can a human body take.
This brings me to a couple of water solutions.
- Get a filter from a big box store to put under your sink that filters out chlorine and particulate matter. This is an absolute must and a first step…those Pur filters get moldy!
- If you can do more, consider getting a Berkey water filter; this gravity fed filter will take your de-chlorinated water, and if you buy the right filters, will filter out much more: “A set of Berkey PF-2 elements can remove Fluoride for up to 1,000 gallons. It can eliminate impurities like arsenic, MTBE, fluoride and other heavy metals. It will remove any types of inorganic fluoride salts.
- Consider at least a shower filter that removes chlorine, or do what we did, get a restructuring device to put on the water coming into the house: Let me know if you want more information about this device, as I personally interviewed Clayton Nolte, the inventor, a few years back.
- Ionized water through a water ionizer such as Kangen is a great investment. We have used ours for 10 years without a single problem.
You might be wondering, how much is too much. In todays world, when there is a an island of plastic as big as Texas in the Pacific Ocean, and where fish in our waterways are growing male and female sex organs…having pure water is a must for all of us.