
This is a brief summary of three articles on cholesterol, including my own…it is a most confusing subject! Dr. Blaylock, a Jackson based neurosurgeon, says that most experts agree that inflammation causes “hardening of the arteries” and that cholesterol is just a tiny piece of the puzzle. I would contendContinue Reading


New Insights into Gluten Intolerance – Not the Usual Yada, Yada, Yada on Gluten – This gets Serious, and most importantly, detectable. Bread may not be the staff of life anymore. A lot has been said about the benefits of the Adkins diet, more recently the South Beach and thenContinue Reading

toenail fungus infection

There is nothing really fun about that fungi that overpopulates your gut, causing bloating, liver overload, decreased thyroid function and fluid retention because your body is trying to dilute all of the toxic byproducts from these mycotoxins! Do you suspect you have leaky gut? Candida overgrowth can cause dysbiosis andContinue Reading

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At last years’ International Iridology Conference in Las Vegas, Dr. Tony Jiminez spoke on Iridology Signs, Health, and Cancer. Basically, he said it all “boils down” to the quality of the food we are eating. Unfortunately for most of us, the food lacks essential vitamins and minerals due to agribusiness,Continue Reading

lemon water

If you are reaching for cold water or hot coffee first thing in the morning, consider this list of reasons to drink room temperature or warm lemon water from fresh squeezed, organic lemons. Just adding the lemon will give you vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium and fiber…and did you knowContinue Reading